How to accept gifts through mobile at year end or anytime

How to accept gifts through mobile at year-end or anytime

December 18, 2017

By MobileUp Software

It’s estimated nearly one third of annual giving occurs in December and 12% of all giving happens in the last three days of the year.

If your association or organization operates fiscally on the calendar year, this is not news. You know already — ’tis the season for last-minute financial gifts.

Sending post cards, writing emails and making phone calls are all important in helping you reach your year-end goals. And no doubt, you’ve been at those efforts for a few weeks (or months) by now.

As the clock ticks down to the new year, don’t forget your quickest method to reaching your constituency and accepting financial gifts is through your MobileUp app.

Try the tips in the next two videos before the end of year or any time to accept financial gifts.

As you watch these, keep in mind this method leverages your existing payment forms and systems on your website that are already in place. You can literally set this up and notify your audience within a few minutes.

Set up a giving tile

First, connect your online giving forms to your app. This video shows you how:

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Now that your app can accept mobile donations, let your audience know through a notification.

Send a notification

You can send notifications through your browser-based administration tools or through your app with administrator role privileges as shown here:

Video Thumbnail2:08

Ready. Set. Engage!

If you are an existing MobileUp customer, let us know if we can help you implement a year-end giving tile in your app. If you are considering MobileUp, this is just one of the many ways we can help you engage your audience through mobile.